Roman Garbar
Апрель 12, 2022
It’s an exciting day for Tenjin customers as Google Ads for SKAdNetwork becomes fully integrated across Tenjin’s entire product portfolio. This integration empowers marketers to measure and compare the performance of their Google App Campaigns for Install (ACI) with other SKAdNetwork campaigns across all supported ad networks – totally free of charge.
Tenjin, Google Ads, SKAdNetwork: what marketers can expect
After Apple released its privacy-centric changes, Google and other ad networks made the shift to the SKAdNetwork framework. Advertisers could no longer measure cohorted metrics like ROI and LTV for Google campaigns.
Tenjin focused on helping its customers to deal with these new challenges. The first step was to offer SKAdNetwork Reporting for free to all Tenjin users. This new integration with Google Ads for SKAdNetwork is a step forward in empowering marketers.
Moreover, Tenjin does not limit SKAdNetwork’s potential by capping the number of tracked SKAdNetwork events. With Tenjin, developers have the flexibility to track all 63 Conversion Values available in SKAdNetwork.
Google Ads SKAdNetwork Conversion Values Reporting is available for all Tenjin users for the following tools:
- Dashboard – free
- Экспортер данных – free
- Reporting Metrics API
- DataVault
In order to enable the integration, Tenjin users only need to add their Google Ads account to their dashboard. No additional steps are required.
For more information on the Google Ads Reporting API, the Google Ads Help Center provides useful guidelines for all app developers.
As always, all Tenjin customers can email us with feedback or questions at support@tenjin.com with the subject: Google-SKAD integration.