Revenue is up 8x since we first used Tenjin a few years ago and paid UA spend is 30x so Tenjin has completely transformed our business. We love Tenjin!
Cost & Ad Revenue Aggregation

Cost & Ad Revenue Aggregation
100% coverage of your ad cost & ad revenue in one place
Tenjin’s accurate ad spend & ad revenue reporting helps you understand how every dollar you spend contributes to the growth of your business.

Gain insights from your data at the most detailed level of granularity
Tenjin collects ad spend and ad revenue data as granular as your ad networks allow it. Take advantage of ad spend and ad revenue reporting that can be broken down by campaign, country, source ID, and more.

Enjoy precise reporting of ad spend and ad revenue at zero cost
You can get started with ad spend and ad revenue reporting completely free of cost, without any limitations. No hidden cost, no SDK integration needed. Just sign up to our dashboard for free.

Leave the mundane tasks of data collection to us
Tenjin saves up to 60 hours of manual work per month by automatically collecting the ad spend and ad revenue data in one place. With Tenjin, advertisers are able to focus on what matters most – scaling their campaigns.
Get 100% coverage from all ad networks on the market
Whether it’s a CSV file or an existing ad network API integration, or even a new channel that you need to integrate with ASAP – you can count on us to get your data in one place. No SDK integration needed.
Integrate a single API instead of hundreds
In case you need to pass the aggregated ad revenue and cost data to a BI tool of your choice, we have you covered. Seamlessly integrate one Tenjin Reporting API instead of several individual ad network APIs.
Learn more about Cost & Ad Revenue Aggregation

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mobile developers began self-publishing, thanks to Tenjin
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