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AdAttributionKit vs SKAdNetwork: 两者有何不同?

  • Hyper-casual market size in 2019 and other insights that you need to know

    Matthaus Krzykowski

    Hyper-casual market size in 2019 and other insights that you need to know

    Hyper-casual represents a major industry trend that won’t fade away in 2019 — if anything, the market for these games will continue to grow and evolve. As such, mobile developers and marketers need to keep a close eye on the space and determine how it will impact their ongoing strategies. At White Nights at St....

  • 《超休闲游戏--完整开发者指南》

    Roman Garbar


    In the last few years, hyper-casual games have exploded in popularity. Find out how you can capitalize on this lucrative mobile trend with our comprehensive developer’s guide to hyper-casual. Though hyper-casual games aren’t exactly new, they are definitely having a moment in the mobile space. Users are embracing the simplicity and minimalist design the category...

  • Applovin, Ironsource and now MoPub: Tenjin’s view on recent innovation in app revenue and what it means to our clients

    Matthaus Krzykowski

    Applovin, Ironsource and now MoPub: Tenjin’s view on recent innovation in app revenue and what it means to our clients

    What recent progress in the industry since Tenjin built out a custom-tailored session/country ad revenue model for Voodoo back in autumn ‘16! It’s been exciting months for anyone who is following innovation in free to play mobile games. Possibly driven by the success of hyper-casual games, we now have seen a lot of innovation around...

  • Welcome to the Next Level of Ad Revenue Optimization

    Roman Garbar

    Welcome to the Next Level of Ad Revenue Optimization

    Tenjin’s Enterprise clients will now have access to data through the MoPub SDK version 5.7 in a unique way: Tenjin is working with MoPub to enable our customers to see their MoPub data in DataVault, our industry-leading data warehouse. Additionally, our customer success team has prepared a number of use cases for how marketers can...

  • App Subscriptions – What Are They And How Do They Work In 2019?

    Roman Garbar

    App Subscriptions – What Are They And How Do They Work In 2019?

    Subscriptions are the norm for content-based apps, but many mobile developers are finding new, creative ways to leverage the model. Over the past decade, subscriptions have steadily subverted the classic pay-to-own model. In 2019, music and streaming app subscriptions are ubiquitous, and it’s now possible to subscribe to anything from dog food to jewelry. According...

  • Manage Third-Party Marketing Data Using Tenjin’s Campaign Buckets

    Roman Garbar

    Manage Third-Party Marketing Data Using Tenjin’s Campaign Buckets

    Tenjin’s Campaign Bucketing tool lets you combine and match siloed campaign data across ad networks and attribution partners within a dashboard and data warehouse with OR without Tenjin’s SDK. Mobile marketing tools make it easier to navigate our complex industry, but there are still obstacles to address. One of them is the lack of standards...
