Tabarak Paracha
1月 25, 2024
这种由超休闲型向混合休闲的转变,是移动游戏行业里的一次大突破,因为开发者们将超休闲游戏的简洁易懂和休闲游戏典型有趣的游戏玩法巧妙地结合在一起。这种变化的一个关键方面就是变现策略。过去,超休闲游戏的收入主要依靠 IAA(应用内广告) 。然而,混合变现成功地将 IAP(内购付费) 和应用内广告相结合,形成了一个更丰富多样,甚至可能带来丰厚回报的资金流。
We started 2023 with the apocalyptic sentence: “Hyper-casual is dead”. But that was only part of the story. Hyper-casual isn’t dead. It has undergone two significant changes. Firstly, it has persevered in its original form in emerging countries like Vietnam. Secondly, it’s adapting its business model to capitalize on IAP revenue, giving rise to a new trend known as Hybrid-Casual. Hybrid-Casual represents an evolution of Hyper-Casual. Not a rupture.
In a competitive market like mobile games, it’s almost a miracle to come up with new forms of revenue. In 2024, we’ll see non-hypercasual studios trying to develop Hybrid-Casual games, such as “Match Factory!” by Peak, and Hyper-Casual studios consolidating their Hybrid-Casual business strategy, discovering the best sub-genres to pursue, like SayGames and Supercent with Idle Arcade and Voodoo with Puzzle. This year will be the year of the Hybrid-Casual.
– Carlos Pereira –移动游戏研究员兼业务分析师