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AdAttributionKit vs SKAdNetwork: 两者有何不同?

  • iOS 14.5: The imminent role change of Facebook MMPs

    Makoto Taguchi

    iOS 14.5: The imminent role change of Facebook MMPs

    The introduction of SKAdNetwork significantly changed the role Facebook MMPs (Mobile Measurement Partners) play within the mobile ecosystem. At this point, there is no difference between using Facebook MMPs and the tools that Facebook is providing publicly. We believe that iOS 14.5 and SKAdNetwork leveled the playing field for everyone involved in advertising measurement and...

  • iOS 14.5: Measure SKAdNetwork Conversion Values for Free with Tenjin

    Roman Garbar

    iOS 14.5: Measure SKAdNetwork Conversion Values for Free with Tenjin

    [UPDATE on March 31, 2021]: Closed beta is complete. Attribution Modeling Stage 1 is now available for all Tenjin users. Make sure to contact to enable new features for your account. We are happy to announce that we are launching a closed beta for the first stage of our iOS 14.5 solution  – Attribution Modeling....

  • Webinar: Marketing Science w/Tenjin

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Webinar: Marketing Science w/Tenjin

    Episode #1: Data Scientists of Hyper-casual Head of Data Science and Tenjin General Manager Carole Wai Hai moderates a new webinar series where she sits down with industry experts to discuss marketing science aspects in Adtech, specifically within mobile gaming and hyper-casual. In this premiere episode, the panel discusses their backgrounds in Data Science, its...

  • Your App May Soon Be Blocked and 5 other things no one is telling you about iOS 14.5

    Roman Garbar

    Your App May Soon Be Blocked and 5 other things no one is telling you about iOS 14.5

    ‘Your App May Soon Be Blocked, and five other things no one is telling you about iOS 14.5.’ That was the name of the presentation I gave last week during WN Winter. Since iOS 14.5 is likely to be released in the upcoming weeks, I would like to share those six reasons with everyone today: Summary:...

  • Top 10 Ad Networks to advertise hyper-casual games in 2021

    Ebony Nicole Simone

    Top 10 Ad Networks to advertise hyper-casual games in 2021

    Ad networks play a vital role in the mobile ecosystem by acting as a middle point between your game and potential users. Tenjin currently supports hundreds of ad networks, like well-known SANs (self-attributing networks) and some new frontrunners like TikTok. “Ad networks are the main resource for advertisers to promote and monetize their games,” explains Tenjin...
