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Mobile Marketing Trends

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AI-Powered Growth in Mobile: Tips and Tricks for Development and Publishing

  • Growth Analytics vs. Product Analytics: What’s the Difference?

    Sunny Cha

    Growth Analytics vs. Product Analytics: What’s the Difference?

    We often get asked how Tenjin compares to analytics companies such as Mixpanel, Amplitude, deltaDNA, and others. The short answer is that the best way to describe those other analytics solutions is as product-centric tools, while Tenjin can best be categorized as a growth-centric tool. What do we mean by product vs. growth analytics? Product-centric...

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  • The Paid Marketing Conversion Funnel

    Chris Farm

    The Paid Marketing Conversion Funnel

    In my last few meetings with small developers who want to learn about paid User Acquisition, we talked about the paid marketing conversion funnel. It seems like a simple concept at the outset, but when marketers first start buying installs it’s probably the most important concept to understand. Here’s a slide that sums up the...

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  • IDFA Sends All Zeros on iOS 10 Devices

    Chris Farm

    IDFA Sends All Zeros on iOS 10 Devices

    A few months ago, Apple announced that iOS 10 will send all zeros for itsadvertisingIdentiferfield when the device’s user sets their limit ad tracking flag toON. According to Tenjin’s aggregate records, this represents ~15% of devices where IDFA will not be unique for a specific device. As I noted in my last post about cookies, the...

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  • Tenjin DataVault: a marketing infrastructure as a service.

    Sunny Cha

    Tenjin DataVault: a marketing infrastructure as a service.

    Tenjin is proud to announce DataVault, a professional, fully managed, direct access SQL Data Warehouse for all your marketing needs. It’s a big step to democratizing mobile app business infrastructure. App developers commonly build business infrastructure once their mobile app shows promise. This is distracting. Tenjin can offload this infrastructure work with DataVault, allowing developers to...

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