Ebony Nicole Simone
April 7, 2020

We’ve finalized our annual hyper-casual benchmark report that you can download below. In this report, we’ve compiled the median CPIs for hyper-casual games with a breakdown per top country and top ad network. You learn which country has the lowest CPI of $0.16 on iOS.
2019 was another year when hyper-casual games dominated app stores’ top charts (Sensor Tower). 2020 is off to an interesting start with COVID-19, and hyper-casual should be prepared for some of its downstream effects on consumer behavior. To start, we’ve analyzed hyper-casual games’ CPIs and ad revenue collected by Tenjin in 2019, revealing new insights into the subgenre. We hope that this hyper-casual benchmark report provides you with some initial insights to improve your user acquisition strategies and better prepare you for the changing market.
We hope you find this useful for your monetization and UA strategies.
Some of the questions that we’ve answered in the report:
- What are the Top 15 countries for user acquisition based on CPI?
- What are the Top 10 ad networks based on ad spend and CPI?
- What are the Top 10 ad networks based on ad revenue?