Chris Farm
9月 19, 2023
Like many of our peers in the industry, we were taken aback by the recent adjustments made in the freshly announced Unity’s pricing policy. The response from the gaming community has been overwhelmingly negative. In solidarity with our esteemed partners, a significant number of whom have already come together to articulate their concerns through a collective letter, we affirm our strong commitment to supporting them during these challenging times.
Unity 这次的定价调整—与和最近的行业变化一样—让人感到遗憾,这会对对独立开发者造成极大的影响,在利润率已经非常微薄的情况下,这些变化将使数大量中小型游戏工作室濒临财务动荡的边缘。
我们坚信,在整个行业面临挑战的时候,我们有义务采取积极措施,支持那些让游戏世界充满活力和创新的人,而独立开发者和大量的中小团队无疑在其中扮演着重要角色。无论 Unity 的决定是继续实行还是进行修改,我们都绝不会袖手旁观。
Tenjin 致力于为开发者社区带来有意义的改变。我们非常理解他们中的许多人所面临的困难,因此,我们推出了三项举措,旨在支持行业可以更好应对这些挑战:
1) 提高中小团队和独立开发者的利润率:
我们致力于为中小团队和独立开发者提供公平的竞争环境,因此推出了专为设计的 "一价无忧"套餐。该套餐以市场上最具竞争力的价格提供大量的归因服务,所有必要的付费增值模块,以及一直免费提供的 ROI 和防欺诈等功能,没有任何隐藏费用,价格清晰透明。我们相信,通过降低营销分析成本,我们可以帮助中小团队和独立开发者有效提高利润率。了解更多有关此 “一价无忧”套餐信息,请发送电子邮件至 info@tenjin.com,并在邮件标题栏注明 "一价无忧"。
2) 创建一个团结的社区:
One silver lining in these challenging times has been the united front demonstrated within the gaming community in the face of new challenges. We’ve witnessed this same spirit within our closed Discord community for app developers called “ROI 101”. The community was initially created to support developers embarking on their self-publishing journeys. But having seen how members have come together to discuss their distresses post the Unity announcement, we have decided to open our doors to the wider community and welcome more developers into this collaborative space. If you’d like to join this community of like-minded indie developers, please drop a line to roman@tenjin.com.
3) Ensuring 确保兼容性和灵活性:
虽然未来仍不确定,但我们希望向开发者保证,我们会支持他们的选择。我们理解开发人员可能会探索不同的游戏引擎。因此,我们优先考虑 Tenjin SDK 与最流行游戏引擎的兼容性,以促进无缝过渡。无论您选择哪种引擎,我们都将竭诚为您提供最顺畅的服务。
在 Tenjin,我们不仅关注商业,还关注社区、创造力和协作,团结起来,我们就能战胜这些挑战,变得比以往任何时候都更强大、更有韧性、更团结。